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Title "Into the Caveworld"
File size 846613 bytes (846613)
Download aws_cave.xm
MD5 Hash 3b29ea56a1f12a73423918f93e29f6c8
JJ2 Downloads 12 file(s)
Related tags bash, blurredd ctf contest, castle, dark, forest, jimbob, jungle, mappool, medieval, nature, nt 2016, single screen contest 3, streetfight, symmetrical, xlm
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Internal text
|###| Instrument Name        |###| Sample Name            |
|001| " Into the CaveWorld " |001|                        |
|002|                        |002|                        |
|003|        by Awesome      |003|                        |
|004|                of      |004|                        |
|005|         - Wild Bits    |005|                        |
|006|          Exelweiss     |006|                        |
|007|          and Inside -  |007|                        |
|008| (C) 1997 - V. Vergara  |008|                        |
|009| ---------------------- |009|                        |
|010| This is my first       |010|                        |
|011| release as a member    |011|                        |
|012| of Inside.             |012|                        |
|013| Inside is a group of   |013|                        |
|014| spanish Trackers.      |014|                        |
|015| We are (In a-z order)  |015|                        |
|016| - Awesome (Me! =)  )   |016|                        |
|017| - Naif                 |017|                        |
|018| - Sergio DJ            |018|                        |
|019| - Smash!               +---+------------------------+
|020| - Wally                |
|021| - Wonder               |
|022|                        |
|023| Pay atention to future |
|024| releases from Inside.  |
|025| ---------------------- |
|026| and now, other words : |
|027| Awesome & WB WHW :     |
|028| * Blastersound BBS *   |
|029| +34 - 58 - 203 - 583   |
|030| ---------------------- |
|031| And for commercial     |
|032| or friend purposes :   |
|033| Awesome Proffessional  |
|034|     -- Art Studio --   |
|035| Music, graphics and    |
|036| SFX for games & demos. |
|037|      (96) 359 67 44    |
|038| "" |
|039|       Victor Vergara   |
|040| (Via snail mail :      |
|041| C/ Montemayor 1, 5     |
|042| Xirivella (Valencia)   |
|043| 46950 Spain.)          |
|044| ---------------------- |
|045|                        |
|046| This song was composed |
|047| for a multimedia CD,   |
|048| but the makers of the  |
|049| CD have dissappeared,  |
|050| so I've decided to     |
|051| release it by my own.  |
|052|                        |
|053| Greetings go to all my |
|054| friends all over the   |
|055| world, specially :     |
|056| NaIaD, Skaven,SergioDJ |
|057| Naif, Wally, PMotion,  |
|058| Cobb, JCL, DJKike,     |
|059| Noisyman, Evelred,     |
|060| Stratos, and everyone  |
|061| I can't remember now.  |
|062|                        |
|063| All the love for my    |
|064| girl  in the '97 X-mas |
|065| ---------------------- |
|066|                        |
|067| Well. Enjoy it and get |
|068| more Awesome Stuff     |
|069| at :                   |
|070|        |
|071| /metronome/composers   |
|072| /A/Awesome             |
|073|                        |
|074|                        |
|075|                        |
|076|                        |
|077|                        |
|078|                        |
|079|                        |
|080|                        |
|081| Bye.                   |
|082| Signed :               |
|083|                        |
|084| Awesome                |
|085|                        |
|086|        Member of       |
|087|     United Trackers    |