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Title Camel Ride By Qum
File size 550618 bytes (550618)
Download camel.xm
MD5 Hash 3c11a4662a97c2fd931459bf1daf9f2d
JJ2 Downloads 9 file(s)
Related tags adventure, angelscript, castle, cdf, conversion, demo, desert, devres, different levels, difficult, duel tournament 2.0, egypt, episode, episode 5, featured, forest, hard, huge, jungle, long, mission, mlle, nature, paint, pits, puzzles, same sprites, singleplayer, sonic, space, techno, unfinished, xlm
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Internal text
|###| Instrument Name        |###| Sample Name            |
|001|         Camel Ride     |001| Bass                   |
|002|         By Qumran      |002| string                 |
|003| ______________________ |003| Flute                  |
|004| Date: 99-03-08         |004| Kettle                 |
|005| Time: 4.56             |005| Arab break 1           |
|006| Style: Soft India      |006| xr10.xi (8K)           |
|007| ______________________ |007| clap                   |
|008| You just gotta love    |008| cow_lo.xi (5K)         |
|009| this tune. Feel the    |009| vangelis.xi (31K)      |
|010| harmonic waves and     |010| chiflead.xi (62K)      |
|011| scales and you'll get  +---+------------------------+
|012| dizzy!!! =)            |
|013| ______________________ |
|014| Thanks to all of my    |
|015| friends and family.    |
|016| Special thanks to      |
|017| Danne Karlsson for     |
|018| teaching me the        |
|019| dominant 7th Scale     |
|020| Choices and the        |
|021| Jewish scale. ! =)     |
|022| ______________________ |
|023| Also special thanks to |
|024| Nettis for being such  |
|025| a good friend, and to  |
|026| Olga my little darlin' |
|027| ********************** |
|028| SlyDog rulez btw =)    |
|029| ********************** |
|030| Mail me at:            |
|031|  |
|032| Visit my homepage:     |
|033| |
|034| m/(tilde)u25005996     |
|035|                        |
|036| ---------------------- |
|037| Hope your life improve |
|038| s because of this song |
|039| =D                     |
|040| ********************** |