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Title UR Orbs 0 Fire Orb
File size 430912 bytes (430912)
Download Fire.s3m
MD5 Hash 484d9d9012317a8cc162bec0e51634cb
JJ2 Downloads 16 file(s)
Related tags angelscript, castle, custom boss, custom enemies, episode, featured, fire, foo, fsp, hocuspocus, jcsawardwinner, jtf, medieval, xlm
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Internal text
|###| Sample Name                  |
|001| Piano                        |
|002| Bass                         |
|003| Tambourine                   |
|004| Minor Chord                  |
|005| Major Chord                  |
|006| Snare                        |
|007| Strings (deep)               |
|008| Strings                      |
|009| Pow                          |
|010| Bass 2                       |
|011| Ride Cymbal                  |
|012| BassDrum                     |
|013| Afterswoosh                  |
|014| Clap                         |
|015| Drums                        |
|016| Synth Guitar                 |
|017|                              |
|018| Hi Hat open                  |
|019| ZupFlute                     |
|020| ---- LlamaTekk ----          |
|021|                              |
|022|     Narf Brother             |
|023|                              |
|024|        1996                  |
|025|                              |
|026| Hope you enjoy this tune.    |
|027|                              |
|028| Call LlamaLand BBS           |
|029| (519)657-5473                |
|030|                              |
|031| London, Ontario, Canada      |
|032|                              |
|033| Or mail me at                |
|034|        |
|035| or visit my website          |
|036| LlamaWorld at:               |
|037|    |
|038|                              |
|039| Thanx!                       |