Module music on Jazz2Online


File size 419254 bytes (419254)
Download Metal.mod
MD5 Hash 2589e142a421c8df91821c5a42c3ecc9
JJ2 Downloads 25 file(s)
Related tags angelscript, bossbattle, butterfly, coop, custom boss, customenemies, devres, difficult, episode, far out, featured, foo, forest, fsp, gameconversion, hocuspocus, industrial, jazz2city, jj2, jungle, levelpack, nature, new weapons, olc, oldskool, pits, single player, single screen, singleplayer, techno, tweedle, wasteland
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Internal text
|##| Sample Name            |
|01|                        |
|02|  regret3.mod           |
|03|                        |
|04|  straylight production |
|05|                        |
|06|                        |
|07|  for cru: no regret    |
|08|                        |
|09|                        |
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|12|                        |
|13|  (c) 1996              |
|14|  andrew g. sega        |
|15|                        |
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|19|                        |
|20|  stop hacking the      |
|21|  song data! :>         |
|22|                        |
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