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Title Cool City - volume 1.2
File size 185326 bytes (185326)
Download Ccity12.j2b
MD5 Hash 2d6ed547bfe0878af3060d1760a725f6
JJ2 Downloads 8 file(s)
Related tags bastion, castle, catacombs, chateau, jazz2city
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Internal text
|##| Sample Name                      |
|01| (c) Purple Motion                |
|02|     Future Crew                  |
|03|     1993                         |
|04|     Rave                         |
|05|                                  |
|06|                                  |
|07|                                  |
|08|                                  |
|09|                                  |
|10|                                  |
|11| Greetz--- -- -  -   ->           |
|12| Loaned couple of samples         |
|13| by Outzider/Darkzone!            |
|14| (from Debut, drumseqs            |
|15|  6,15 and 16..)                  |
|16| Night Shade / iCE                |