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Title Kermator
File size 1264403 bytes (1264403)
Download vr_kermator.xm
MD5 Hash 4a7b6a4bee6edcc217ecf541789ea809
JJ2 Downloads 5 file(s)
Related tags bash, castle, mappool, medieval, nt 2016, one spot, xlm
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Internal text
|###| Instrument Name        |###| Sample Name            |
|001|                        |001| -Kermator-             |
|002|                        |002| By Venture             |
|003|                        |003| |
|004| slow voice             |004| This is a              |
|005| deep bass drum         |005| a soundtrack to my     |
|006| Low Floor Tom (Room [S |006| novel that I'm         |
|007| High Floor Tom (Room [ |007| in the process of      |
|008| crash cymbal           |008|                        |
|009| crash cymbal           |009| some quick feedback    |
|010| Orchit                 |010| and possible           |
|011|                        |011| suggestions, if any.   |
|012| Squarish               |012| Thanks                 |
|013| 5th Saw Wave           |013|                        |
|014| Tom2.smp               |014|                        |
|015| hand_clap              |015|                        |
|016| Hooooooh               |016|                        |
+---+------------------------+017|                        |