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Title The Forest of Keroon
File size 394011 bytes (394011)
Download forest.xm
MD5 Hash 372c4282f226a053f4a2025bd7fcc0f2
JJ2 Downloads 8 file(s)
Related tags angelscript, bash, custom boss, custom enemies, different levels, episode, featured, foo, forest, fsp, hocuspocus, jcsawardwinner, jungle, mlle, nature, same sprites, xlm
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Internal text
|###| Instrument Name        |###| Sample Name            |
|001| Bass Guitar            |001|                        |
|002|                        |002|                        |
|003|                        |003| Piano/Harpsicord       |
|004| Flute-Pipe             |004| Call it what you       |
|005|                        |005| Want...                |
|006|                        |006|                        |
|007| Keyboard               |007| Ride Cymbal            |
|008|                        |008|                        |
|009|                        |009|                        |
|010| Tambourine             +---+------------------------+
|011| Ride Cymbal            |
|012| Kick                   |
|013|                        |
|014|                        |
|015|                        |
|016|                        |
|017| Bass                   |
|018|                        |
|019|                        |
|020| "The Forest of Keroon" |
|021|             3:05       |
|022|                        |
|023| Copyright(C) 1999,     |
|024| Kevin Chow, AKA Gopher |
|025|                        |
|026| Finished 20/6/1999     |
|027|                        |
|028|                        |
|029| Greetz to:             |
|030| SLH, InfinitySquared,  |
|031| Dipa, Azo, Komsip,     |
|032| Phoenix, LittleElk,    |
|033| Zepsi, Eek, Xerxez,    |
|034| Andreas, Velocity,     |
|035| and [Your name here]   |
|036|                        |
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|040| My 6th (I think)       |
|041| release so far, after  |
|042| nearly 2 months of     |
|043| a complete inspiration |
|044| blackout. Also the     |
|045| first to have flavour  |
|046| text...                |
|047|                        |
|048|                        |
|049| "Through the Forest    |
|050| he walked, knowing not |
|051| what would be around   |
|052| the next bend, for the |
|053| Forest was everywhere  |
|054| and everything.        |
|055| Where would it end?    |
|056| He knew not..."        |
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|121| BTW, Anyone who tries  |
|122| to remix/copy/pirate   |
|123| this song without my   |
|124| prior authorisation    |
|125| Will be prosecuted.    |