Module music on Jazz2Online


Title Particle System (HT)
File size 1783406 bytes (1783406)
Download rba-psys.xm
MD5 Hash 9278e65eb669916de2f5f15fc13986f8
JJ2 Downloads 2 file(s)
Related tags carrotus, dark, devres, difficult, featured, hard, pits, singleplayer, space
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Internal text
|###| Instrument Name        |###| Sample Name            |
|001|    . Particle System . |001| TB303 - Loop 1         |
|002|       by RibinaBJ of   |002| TB303 - Loop 2         |
|003|  HellTrot: Resurrected |003| TB303 - Loop 3         |
|004|                        |004| TB303 - Loop 4         |
|005|      ->  Full Mix  <-  |005| TB303 - Loop 5         |
|006|                        |006| TB303 - Loop 6         |
|007|     @ Copyright 1999   |007| TB303 - Loop 7         |
|008|    All rights reserved |008| TB303 - Loop 8         |
|009| Contact me:            |009| 909 Bass               |
|010|                        |010| 909 Closed Hat         |
|011|     |011| 909 Clap               |
|012|                        |012| 808 Open Hat           |
|013| Visit me:              |013| 909 Snare              |
|014|                        |014| Dance Bass             |
|015|  |015| Short Rev Crash        |
|016|                        |016| 909 Rev Crash          |
|017| If you wanna check     |017| Strings                |
|018| our new HT:R HQ page,  |018| Electric Guitar        |
|019| go to my page (above)  |019| 909 Open Hat           |
|020| and click the link to  |020| Timp-Tom               |
|021| there!                 |021| Bongo                  |
|022|                        |022| Synth                  |
|023|                        |023| Floor Tom              |
|024|                        |024| Bongo Slap             |
|025| Mail HellTrot: R at:   |025| 909 Bass Reverb        |
|026|                        +---+------------------------+
|027|   |
|028|                        |
|029|                        |
|030|                        |
|031|                        |
|032|                        |
|033| Greetz to:             |
|034| All at HellTrot: R     |
|035|     ('cept me!)        |
|036| All at Trax in Space   |
|037| All at ModArchive      |
|038| All at United Trackers |
|039| And you.               |
|040| That covers most!      |
|041| If you're gonna use    |
|042| samples by me, please  |
|043| ask for permission     |
|044| first.                 |
|045|                        |
|046| (Besides, 808 and 909  |
|047| samples are so common  |
|048| you won't need mine!)  |
|049| This version is still  |
|050| half 8-bit.  This is   |
|051| because of the size.   |
|052|                        |
|053| Most 8-bit is together |
|054| anyway, so it won't    |
|055| sound much worse.      |