Module music on Jazz2Online


Title space debris
File size 343608 bytes (343608)
Download SPACEDEB.mod
MD5 Hash 97e703a4f5d7c08a3485fd3161df8a6c
JJ2 Downloads 14 file(s)
Related tags bash, featured, forest, ground force, heaven, huge, jungle, nature, sky, space, survivor
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Internal text
|##| Sample Name            |
|01| SuperHyperBass         |
|02| BD1                    |
|03| SD1                    |
|04| Zoh2.Minor             |
|05| Chord1.Minor           |
|06| Chord1.Major           |
|07| Hup                    |
|08| SoftShake              |
|09| Choir                  |
|10| Chord1.Arrested        |
|11| # by captain/image     |
|12| Rezonatix3             |
|13| SawSynth.Major         |
|14| SawSynth.Minor         |
|15| SawSynth.Arrested1     |
|16| SawSynth.Arrested2     |
|17| SawSynth               |
|18| SynBrass               |
|19| #     protracker only  |
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