Module music on Jazz2Online


Title Castle Boss
File size 476721 bytes (476721)
Download Boss1.j2b
MD5 Hash 4a6753290dc202df4572ac7b60f6a210
JJ2 Downloads 1 file(s)
Related tags big, dark, difficult, dreams, eldritch, episode, featured, great levels, hard, horror, huge levels, mystic, surreal, trippy
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Internal text
|##| Sample Name                      |
|01| J2 QUICK CASTLE! :)              |
|02|                                  |
|03| HR16SNR2.WAV                     |
|04|                                  |
|05|                                  |
|06|                                  |
|07|                                  |
|08|                                  |
|09| RIM1.WAV                         |
|10| PICCSNR.WAV                      |
|11| SUPERL~3.WAV                     |
|12| BCTOM1.WAV                       |
|13|                                  |
|14|                                  |