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Title " A New Generation "
File size 1250716 bytes (1250716)
Download aws_anew.xm
MD5 Hash 4efab2fb5a7fbb94164b72e085254e5e
JJ2 Downloads 4 file(s)
Related tags bash, collab, dom, domination, jimbob, rag-dom-contest, the server, xlm, zeal alpha
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Internal text
|###| Instrument Name        |###| Sample Name            |
|001|        Composed by     |001| Sine Lead              |
|002|           AWESOME      |002| (JP-8000)              |
|003|      (Victor Vergara)  |003| @ Big Bear             |
|004|                        |004| Faze Strings           |
|005|     1st. Release as a  |005| unisono                |
|006|     Third Eye Member.  |006| (JP-8000)              |
|007|                        |007| @ Big Bear             |
|008| (C)1999 Victor Vergara |008| Enniumill              |
|009| All the material       |009| (JV-80)                |
|010| included in this song  |010| @ Big Bear             |
|011| is property of the     |011| Fantasia               |
|012| author.Hiring, lending |012| (JV-80)                |
|013| or unauthorised        |013| @ Big Bear             |
|014| distribution of this   |014| Plaetsch               |
|015| file is forbidden.     |015| (Mr.Rack)              |
|016|               Awesome. |016| @ Big Bear             |
|017|                        |017| rezo airpad            |
|018| Contact address:       |018| (Korg Trinity)         |
|019| |019| Jupiter8  Pad          |
|020|                        |020| (JV-80)                |
|021| more files at:         |021| @ Big Bear             |
|022|     |022| Zaeng                  |
|023| /music/artists/awesome |023| (Mr.Rack)              |
|024|                        |024| @ Big Bear             |
|025| Year 2000 is coming..  |025|                        |
|026| A new generation       |026| Live Hihat closed      |
|027| is about to arrive...  |027| (Mr.Rack)              |
|028|                        |028| @ Big Bear             |
|029| and...well...Is it     |029| by falcon              |
|030| important?             |030|      |
|031| I don't think so...    |031| 12_11_01.wav           |
|032| Wars, religion, drugs, |032| by falcon              |
|033| crimes, polithics, and |033| Smack Bass             |
|034| hunger... This world   |034| @ Big Bear             |
|035| is too full of shit as |035|                        |
|036| to feel happy to reach |036|        |
|037| the 2000 year.         |037| (heavily modified)     |
|038|                        |038|                        |
|039| But at can |039|                        |
|040| listen to music... =)  |040| orion.echo.rim         |
|041| ---------------------- |041|                        |
|042|    Third Eye is a new  |042| @ orion                |
|043| music group formed by: |043| Crash2                 |
|044|     Anders Akerheden   |044| by dune                |
|045|             Warder     |045|                        |
|046|        and Awesome     |046|                        |
|047|   ' Passion to Music ' |047| Tambourine             |
|048| ---------------------- |048| unknown origin         |
|049| Samples :              |049|                        |
|050| Lots from Big Bear     |050|                        |
|051| (Thanks a lot!!)       |051|                        |
|052| Some drums from Wave   |052|                        |
|053| Others from Falcon     |053| workbench              |
|054| The rest are from many |054|                        |
|055| authors.               |055| @ workbench            |
|056|                        |056| fusion.string          |
|057|                        |057|                        |
|058| Greets to my friends   |058| @ fusion               |
|059| of:  Exelweiss         |059|                        |
|060| Wild Bits              |060| original by a.move     |
|061| Inside                 |061| (edit by falcon/pls)   |
|062| Pandemia               |062| kit : snare            |
|063| Profound Sound         |063| kit : elctro tom       |
|064| Third Eye              |064| kit : techno kick      |
|065|                        |065| kit : kick             |
|066|                        |066|                        |
|067|                        |067| fusion.string          |
|068|                        |068|                        |
|069|                        |069| @ fusion               |
|070|                        |070| kennyb.female.vce1     |
|071|                        +---+------------------------+
|072|                        |
|073| Note:I think this song |
|074| sounds better with     |
|075| Cubic Player 1.7 or +  |
|076| in Surround Mode.      |