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Title Castlevania 4 Variations
File size 244282 bytes (244282)
Download Castle4.s3m
MD5 Hash a9326012ca59b6ee9195aaa760b1abf0
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Internal text
|###| Sample Name                  |
|001| Kick                         |
|002| Snare                        |
|003| Tom                          |
|004| HiHat  [Closed]              |
|005| HiHat  [Open]                |
|006| Cymbal [Crash]               |
|007| Noise  [Machinery?]          |
|008| Bass   [Acoustic]            |
|009| Bass   [Electronic 1]        |
|010| Bass   [Electronic 2]        |
|011| Bass   [Electronic 3]        |
|012| Bell                         |
|013| Brass  [w/Echo]              |
|014| Chord  [Major]               |
|015| Chord  [Minor]               |
|016| Chord  [2nd]                 |
|017|                              |
|018|                              |
|019|                              |
|020|     If you're running        |
|021|      Impulse Tracker,        |
|022|                              |
|023|                              |
|024|        Hit Shift-F9          |