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New Hope.xm

Title New hope
File size 379809 bytes (379809)
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MD5 Hash 318e2dfdcfb1f452015bef5beed5c057
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Internal text
|###| Instrument Name        |###| Sample Name            |
|001|              |001| Luigi Elettrico        |
|002| Syn.Strings2           |002| vs                     |
|003| Choir Aahs             |003| Wir                    |
|004| Flute                  |004| ***                    |
|005|              |005| "New hope"             |
|006| Piano 3                |006| ***                    |
|007| Taiko                  |007| Wir's melody (at begin |
|008| Tubular-bell           |008| [plus]                 |
|009| Syn.Strings1           |009| Luigi's style composit |
|010| gabry1.wav             |010| [score]                |
|011| BEASTIE BASS.wav       |011| Strange-style          |
|012| untitled               |012| progressive            |
|013| untitled               |013| "New hope" xm tracker  |
|014| untitled               |014| made by                |
|015|                        |015| Luigi Elettrico        |
|016|                        |016| ***POLAND***           |