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Download Alliance.xm
MD5 Hash dea920c56a9377508118239ca6050e52
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Internal text
|###| Instrument Name        |###| Sample Name            |
|001|        "ALLIANCE"      |001|                        |
|002| ---------------------- |002|                        |
|003|  Composed in 1996 by:  |003|                        |
|004|                        |004|                        |
|005|    Thomas Mogensen     |005|                        |
|006|    (DRAX of Vibrants)  |006|                        |
|007| ---------------------- |007|                        |
|008|                        |008| A bass instrument      |
|009| Greetings go to:       |009| taken from Jeroen      |
|010| ---------------------- |010| Tel's "THE TRA-        |
|011| - Thomas E. Petersen   |011| VELLER"                |
|012|   (LAXITY of Vibrants) |012| - Thanks               |
|013| - Jens-Christian Huus  |013|                        |
|014|   (JCH of Vibrants)    |014|                        |
|015| _ Torben Hansen        |015|                        |
|016|   (Metal of Vibrants)  |016|                        |
|017| - Poul-Jesper Olsen    |017|                        |
|018|   (JO of VIBRANTS)     |018|                        |
|019| _ Jeroen Tel           |019|                        |
|020|   (WAVE of Maniacs of  |020| A lead instrument      |
|021|   Noise)               |021| taken from Jeroen      |
|022| - Thomas Bendt         |022| Tel's "MOUNTAIN        |
|023|   (SCORTIA of ???)     |023| BREEZE"                |
|024| - Morten S. Kristensen |024| - Thanks               |
|025|   (MSK of Crest)       +---+------------------------+
|026| - Matthias Hartung     |
|027|   (SYNDROM of Crest)   |
|028| - Kristian Roestoen    |
|029| - Mario Laugell        |
|030|   (STEEL of ???)       |
|031| - Soeren Lund          |
|032|   (JEFF of Camelot)    |
|033| - Juergen Van Dongen   |
|034|   (JVD of Focus)       |
|035| - The Brain Bug team:  |
|036|   (Ole Mogensen        |
|037|    Soeren Lund (*)     |
|038|    Joergen T. Oerberg  |
|039|    Poul-Jesper Olsen   |
|040|    Jesper Eskildsen    |
|041|   Troels Gram)         |
|042| - Robert Hermely       |
|043|   (HERMES of ???)      |
|044| - Hannes Sommer        |
|045|   ((...) of Cosmos D.) |
|046| - Richard Rinn         |
|047|   (DEEK of Crest)      |
|048| - Ulrik Henriksen      |
|049|   (at FUNCOM Ireland)  |
|050| AND last but not least |
|051| - Lars Borup Jensen    |
|052|   (SPARXX of ???)      |
|053| ---------------------- |
|054| (*) :                  |
|055| not Jeff of Camelot    |
|056| ---------------------- |
|057| A special thanks to    |
|058| Jeroen Tel for letting |
|059| me use some of his     |
|060| samples... And to MSK  |
|061| for the same reason    |
|062| and to the other peo-  |
|063| le from whom I have    |
|064| taken samples...       |
|065| Made 9th. of June 1996 |