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Title // mystique part two //
File size 664618 bytes (664618)
Download myst2.s3m
MD5 Hash 53d34a910dd1a794152df7f33f0ae272
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Related tags battle remake, colorful, nature
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Internal text
|###| Sample Name                  |
|001|  //  M y s t i q u e //      |
|002| //  P a r t  T w o  //       |
|003|                              |
|004| Second episode of a music    |
|005| trilogy by Timelord          |
|006|                              |
|007|                              |
|008| see READ.TXT for info        |
|009|                              |
|010| deepnote.bass                |
|011| bleep.effect                 |
|012| echo.hit.bass                |
|013| bassline.groove              |
|014| korg.m1.effects              |
|015| demonic.loop-2               |
|016| windloop.3                   |
|017| eternity.1.inferno           |
|018| vls.low.synth.vibe           |
|019| cymbal.abrupt                |
|020| myst.minor                   |
|021| myst.major                   |
|022| nin.distortion               |
|023| guitar.syn                   |
|024| lowtone.bass                 |
|025| demonic.loop-1               |
|026| defsnare.2                   |
|027| rimshot.1                    |
|028| .  .  .  .  .  .             |
|029| . . . . . . . . .            |
|030| ..................           |
|031| scream.                      |
|032| piano.synth                  |
|033| brass.lead.2                 |
|034| xyl.surreal                  |
|035|                    |
|036| bubble.pop                   |