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Title Mielisairaala
File size 97456 bytes (97456)
Download rupu.s3m
MD5 Hash 215585cfefa6eea82b68acf4ad9dd47e
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Internal text
|###| Sample Name                  |
|001| |  Mielisairaala (Rupu)      |
|002| |  KV 1998-2001              |
|003| |--------------------------- |
|004| |  R  aastava                |
|005| |  U  nohtumaton             |
|006| |  P  aras                   |
|007| |  U  pea                    |
|008| |--------------------------- |
|009| |  R  akas                   |
|010| |  U  nenomainen             |
|011| |  P  ohjaton                |
|012| |  U  ngschlagbar            |
|013| |----------------------o     |
|014| |  28.10.2001                |