Module music on Jazz2Online


Title Christmas is here
File size 1114161 bytes (1114161)
Download night18.xm
MD5 Hash 19fc9f754213331e361061e88bc1309f
JJ2 Downloads 1 file(s)
Related tags angelscript, christmas, community, custom boss, custom enemies, featured, holiday, jcsawardwinner, single player, snow, winter
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Internal text
|###| Instrument Name        |###| Sample Name            |
|001|         Night Theme    |001| Channels: 28           |
|002|         (Chapter 18)   |002| Song length: 5.37      |
|003|     Christmas is here  |003| Size: 1114161          |
|004| ---------------------- |004| BPM: 82                |
|005|       CoS version by   |005| Version: 1.02          |
|006|          Rico / CoS    |006|                        |
|007|                        |007|                        |
|008|          @1998 CoS     |008|                        |
|009| Please do not spread   |009|                        |
|010| this one without my    |010|                        |
|011| permission.            |011|                        |
|012|                        |012|                        |
|013| e-mail:                |013|                        |
|014| rico01(a)   |014|                        |
|015|                        |015|                        |
|016|                        |016|                        |
|017| Music by B. Butt.      |017|                        |
|018|                        |018|                        |
|019| I love the christmas   |019|                        |
|020| season...              |020|                        |
|021|                        |021|                        |
|022|                        |022|                        |
|023| ---------------------- |023|                        |
|024|                        |024|                        |
|025| ---------------------- |025|                        |
|026| Divine dedication to   |026|                        |
|027| Selene...              |027|                        |
|028|                        |028|                        |
|029| Respect Ancient        |029|                        |
|030| Cultures...            |030|                        |
|031|                        |031|                        |
|032|                        |032|                        |
|033| Greetings to Santa     |033|                        |
|034| Claus, Marie, Nea,     |034|                        |
|035| Sky, Reptile, Peter    |035|                        |
|036| and all my other       |036|                        |
|037| friends around the     |037|                        |
|038| world.                 |038|                        |
|039|                        |039|                        |
|040|                        |040|                        |
|041| ---------------------  |041|                        |
|042|                        |042|                        |
|043| "Let Selene guide your |043|                        |
|044| steps through the      |044|                        |
|045| night, and bring them  +---+------------------------+
|046| to a new dawn."        |
|047|                        |
|048| ---------------------- |
|049|                        |
|050|                        |
|051|                        |
|052|                        |
|053|                        |
|054|                        |
|055| / Rico 981114          |
|056|                        |