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She Walked Tall.s3m

Title She Walked Tall
File size 363136 bytes (363136)
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MD5 Hash 050465160cf9c7f0e32244c65b4e0c3f
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Internal text
|###| Sample Name                  |
|001| 4th in the Music Disk        |
|002| Face of the Dragon (c)1995   |
|003| ---------------------------  |
|004| She Walked Tall              |
|005| ---------------------------  |
|006|                              |
|007| Don't know if Sarah Mandra   |
|008| Walker knows any guys who    |
|009| have ScreamTracker and know  |
|010| to read the instrument       |
|011| lists... but if she does...  |
|012| have her listen to this      |
|013| song.                        |
|014|                              |
|015| 'Tis dedicated to her. I     |
|016| would send this if only I    |
|017| knew where she was. She      |
|018| might still be at Oberlin.   |
|019|                              |
|020| Let this be a lesson to you  |
|021| other musicians / music      |
|022| fans out there. It's better  |
|023| to have loved and to have    |
|024| lost than to have listened   |
|025| to an album by Olivia        |
|026| Newton John! (Red Dwarf      |
|027| joke.) :)                    |
|028|                              |
|029| ...sigh...oh, hell. Listen   |
|030| to this is you're in love,   |
|031| or you're depressed, or      |
|032| something...I don't care.    |
|033|                              |