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File size 334884 bytes (334884)
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MD5 Hash baeaeb81ff3d7b6abd9c1785675a1f8d
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Internal text
|##| Sample Name                      |
|01|                                  |
|02|   ~ [:(-  EXPLIZIT  -):] ~       |
|03| untitled                         |
|04|                                  |
|05|   an extravaganza hardcore       |
|06|     track by THUNDERBASS         |
|07|                                  |
|08|         ~ ACTIVE-8 ~             |
|09|                                  |
|10|   [- open your mind mix -]       |
|11|                                  |
|12|   Well, what did you leech       |
|13|   now huh... again a hcore       |
|14|   track with some Ruffneck       |
|15|   influencez, but this one       |
|16|   movie strings or sometin       |
|17|   but it does sounds kinda       |