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Title Christmas Remix '98
File size 701345 bytes (701345)
Download christmas_remix_98.xm
MD5 Hash 95f9c3e38917365c00246521287d4ade
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Internal text
|###| Instrument Name        |###| Sample Name            |
|001|  "Christmas Remix '98" |001| <ZPP>                  |
|002|                        |002| Strings                |
|003|   assembled, tracked   |003| C1frebas.wav           |
|004|      and produced by   |004| Bassdrum               |
|005|                        |005| Pop Snare              |
|006| Ville "CyberZip" Koski |006| SW                     |
|007|                        |007| Crash21i.wav           |
|008|        23 Dec 1998     |008|                        |
|009|                        |009|  -- xmas_1.xi --       |
|010| Ah! Already time for   |010|  size: 73 K            |
|011| the annual Xmas Remix  |011|  loop: none            |
|012| eh? This year it's a   |012|  type: shaker wet      |
|013| shorter one, with two  |013|                        |
|014| songs -                |014|                        |
|015|  1.  Here Comes        |015|                        |
|016|            Santa Claus |016|                        |
|017|  2. Santa Claus Is     |017|                        |
|018|        Coming To Town  |018|                        |
|019|                        |019|  (c) 1998 MAZ          |
|020| ...but hopefully it    |020|                        |
|021| will be enough to put  |021|  Sample-CD:            |
|022| you in a xmas mood!    |022|  'no.1 instruments'    |
|023|       Playtime: 2'50"  |023|                        |
|024|                        |024|      |
|025| Since the theme this   |025|                        |
|026| year is that Santa     |026| Voices 15              |
|027| really IS coming to    |027|  DR550~33.WAV          |
|028| town, I can assure you |028| Octave 1               |
|029| that Santa is going    |029| Octave 2               |
|030| to pay the following   |030|                        |
|031| persons a visit...     |031|   cyberzip.nebula      |
|032|                        |032|  DR550~44.WAV          |
|033| Emma - Santa just      |033|  DR550~29.WAV          |
|034| couldn't pass a        |034|  DR550~30.WAV          |
|035| wonderful girl like    |035| 60CLAP1           R    |
|036| you! :o)               +---+------------------------+
|037|                        |
|038| Psychad - A great      |
|039| friend like you can't  |
|040| ever be forgotten!     |
|041|                        |
|042| Zillion - Santa's      |
|043| dropping you a cell-   |
|044| phone at last, that's  |
|045| for sure!              |
|046|                        |
|047| Pooky - Crazier ideas  |
|048| are hard to find - ya  |
|049| go Greek grrl!         |
|050|                        |
|051| Ufool - Santa's givin' |
|052| ya that EX5, yes? ;-)  |
|053|                        |
|054| HaCKA - Even if I      |
|055| tried, I couldn't find |
|056| a truer follower of    |
|057| the Xmas Remix         |
|058| series! Thanx dude! ;) |
|059|                        |
|060| Kyle - Santa WILL be   |
|061| bringing you stuff,but |
|062| maybe just a little    |
|063| bit late... ;-)        |
|064|                        |
|065| Ploffer - If I could   |
|066| decide, Santa'd give   |
|067| you success in         |
|068| Germany, but it looks  |
|069| like you're gettin' at |
|070| it anyway! Congrats!   |
|071|                        |
|072| Velociraptor - A new   |
|073| Fender ought to be     |
|074| nice, yes? ;)          |
|075|                        |
|076| Mr.Joy - Santa was     |
|077| feeling good when he   |
|078| gave ME such a nice    |
|079| fan in Russia!!        |
|080|                        |
|081| Mysterium and the      |
|082| Nebula-gang - Thanks   |
|083| for a great year, with |
|084| a fantastic work on    |
|085| Trax In Space, the now |
|086| superior tracker site  |
|087| out there!             |
|088|                        |
|089| To #trax, all sceners  |
|090| and scene-consumers    |
|091| worldwide - Merry      |
|092| Christmas and a Happy  |
|093| New Year!              |
|094|                        |
|095|                        |
|096|                        |
|097| A big thanks to all    |
|098| of you who have        |
|099| visited my website and |
|100| listened to my songs - |
|101| your feedback really   |
|102| makes it worthwhile!   |
|103|                        |
|104|                        |
|105| 1998 was a really nice |
|106| year for me, and '99   |
|107| has endless            |
|108| possibilities to       |
|109| become even better,    |
|110| so watch out! ;)       |
|111|                        |
|112|                        |
|113| Reach my place on      |
|114| the net at:            |
|115|  |
|116|              /cyberzip |
|117|                        |
|118| ...and mail me at:     |
|119|  |
|120|                        |
|121|                        |
|122|          See ya'll in  |
|123|                        |
|124|            1 9 9 9 !   |
|125|                        |
|126|                        |
|127| Ville "CyberZip" Koski |
|128|  [Stockholm/Sweden]    |