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Title Rain
File size 1047433 bytes (1047433)
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MD5 Hash 02b6939d04e5144466b150cf78c6fdba
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Related tags angelscript, battle remake, mlle
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Internal text
|###| Instrument Name        |###| Sample Name            |
|001| *********************  |001| Piano                  |
|002|             Rain       |002| Strings                |
|003| *******************    |003| Wind                   |
|004|                        |004| Rain                   |
|005|              by:       |005| Oboe                   |
|006|      Mats Wernersson   |006| Low strings            |
|007|                        |007| Bassdrum               |
|008| *******************    |008| Stick                  |
|009|      February 2000     |009| Open hihat             |
|010| *********************  |010| Closed hihat           |
|011|                        |011| Fingered Bass D#2      |
|012|                        |012| Fingered Bass F#2      |
|013|                        |013| Fingered Bass A2       |
|014|                        |014| Fingered Bass C3       |
|015|                        |015| Fingered Bass D3       |
|016|                        |016|                        |
|017|                        |017| Fingered Bass G3       |
|018|                        |018|                        |
+---+------------------------+019| Snare drum             |
                             |020| Tom 1                  |
                             |021| Tom 2                  |
                             |022| Crash                  |
                             |023| Oboe                   |
                             |024| Ride                   |
                             |025|                        |
                             |026|                        |
                             |027| B ON A_L.W07 33000 Hz  |
                             |028| F#ON E_L.W10 33000 Hz  |