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Title CARAX 95` SONG: Spac
File size 327504 bytes (327504)
Download ldez2.s3m
MD5 Hash 4bbae93ae2051ecc85abe0176b297d6d
JJ2 Downloads 1 file(s)
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Internal text
|###| Sample Name                  |
|001| SuperHyperBass               |
|002| BD1                          |
|003| SD1                          |
|004| Zoh2.Minor                   |
|005| Chord1.Minor                 |
|006| Chord1.Major                 |
|007| Hup                          |
|008| SoftShake                    |
|009| Choir                        |
|010| Chord1.Arrested              |
|011| # by captain/image           |
|012| Rezonatix3                   |
|013| SawSynth.Major               |
|014| SawSynth.Minor               |
|015| SawSynth.Arrested1           |
|016| SawSynth.Arrested2           |
|017| SawSynth                     |
|018| SynBrass                     |
|019| #     protracker only        |
|020|                              |
|021|                              |
|022|                              |
|023|                              |
|024|                              |
|025|                              |
|026|                              |
|027|                              |
|028|                              |
|029|                              |
|030|                              |
|031|                              |