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Title The Summer Planet
File size 1189862 bytes (1189862)
Download Splanet.xm
MD5 Hash 71b714234de669bbc8416c4d980b56b9
JJ2 Downloads 14 file(s)
Related tags cold, colorful, desert, egypt, far out, funky, glacier, ice, space, xlm
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Internal text
|###| Instrument Name        |###| Sample Name            |
|001|  >><<>><<>><<>><<      |001| out of a TbO track     |
|002|  >-----  The   -----<  |002| and TemezO's           |
|003|  >- Summer Planet  -<  |003| "Nocturne"             |
|004|  >><<>><<>><<>><<      |004| of a SONiC RANGE       |
|005|                        |005| song                   |
|006|  by DJ TheCroWn        |006| oh yes....             |
|007|      of Cellblock 4    |007| "Another Destiny"      |
|008| (c) Copyright 2000     |008| out of Fireworks       |
|009| finished on 27-7-2000  |009| 2000 by TuNeR          |
|010|                        |010| Club SAmple.wav        |
|011| Track Time: 4:46 min   |011| from Miles             |
|012|                        |012| out of thenuke's       |
|013| Hope, you out there    |013| "distant fantasies"    |
|014| have a real summer at  |014| hope u're not angry    |
|015| home. Here in Germany  |015| ;-)                    |
|016| there's no summer this |016| 909 Hihat, Closed      |
|017| year. Rain & Clouds    |017| .                      |
|018| all the time. Luckily  |018| 909 Hihat, Pedal       |
|019| I travelled to Gran    |019| .                      |
|020| Canaria...             |020|                        |
|021|                        |021|                        |
|022| A BIG Shoutout goes to |022| Bass Sound,            |
|023| all friends and Down-  |023| cut/enveloped by me.   |
|024| loaders of my tracks.  |024| From The Noshit cd     |
|025| Thanx 4 your support.  |025| .                      |
|026|                        |026| Choiraah.wav           |
|027| If you'd like to write |027| From a track by:       |
|028| me some words:         |028| Psylent Buddhi of      |
|029| DJTheCroWn(a)   |029| Stagaze                |
|030|                        |030| .                      |
|031| Every feedback is      |031| out of some            |
|032| welcome!!!!            |032| SONiC RANGE            |
|033| all rights reserved    |033| track                  |
|034|                        |034|                        |
|035| <<Greetz>>             |035| @ septic               |
|036| SONiC RANGE, ALK,      |036| out of                 |
|037| Mister_E, SpaceWalk,   |037| "Trance Sucks"         |
|038| TuNeR, Homesick Alien, |038| by ALK                 |
|039| TbO, t-tracker, TiDAL, |039|                        |
|040| thenuke,MANiAC, Melin, |040| HouseSnare1/x3         |
|041| Codi, Sharky-X and     |041| the operator           |
|042| finally ervery1 I 4got |042| 1/1                    |
|043|                        |043| out of Rapture's       |
|044| Votes(alteredpercep.)  |044| "Deep Ocean"           |
|045| & reviews(TiS) are     |045| out of TbO's           |
|046| very welcome.          |046| ATB-MegaRemix          |
|047|                        |047|                        |
|048| DTC signing of 4 now.. |048| HouseSnare1/x3         |
+---+------------------------+049| the operator           |
                             |050| 1/1                    |
                             |051| see 1st snaredrum      |