Module music on Jazz2Online

XMas 1 remix.s3m

Title A Jazz Jackrabbit Christmas
File size 214448 bytes (214448)
Download XMas 1 remix.s3m
MD5 Hash 64bf278176bb499d3b35e8b8f7415bd9
JJ2 Downloads 1 file(s)
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Internal text
|###| Sample Name                  |
|001| Xmas 1 remix:                |
|002|                              |
|003| A Jazz Jackrabbit Christmas  |
|004| ---------------------------- |
|005| Original Xmas music by:      |
|006| Robert A. Allen              |
|007| ---------------------------- |
|008| Jazz Jackrabbit is (c)       |
|009| Epic Megagames               |
|010| ---------------------------- |
|011| Remix by Acid                |
|012| A die-hard not so well known |
|013| JAZZ 2 FAN!!!!!!             |
|014| ---------------------------- |
|015| Well, maybe not Die-Hard     |
|016| but it sounds cool! :P       |
|017| ---------------------------- |
|018|                              |
|019|                              |
|020|                              |