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MD5 Hash 19d31bc27a8a4e1a705128d1f9bfb86b
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Internal text
|###| Instrument Name            |###| Sample Name                |
|001| Slap Bass 2                |001| Slap Bass 2                |
|002| High Floor Tom (Standard)  |002| Standard                   |
|003| Slow Strings               |003| Slow Strings               |
|004| E.Piano 2                  |004| E.Piano 2                  |
|005| Kalimba                    |005| Kalimba                    |
|006| Soundtrack                 |006| Soundtrack                 |
|007| Piano 3                    |007| Piano 3                    |
|008| Fantasia                   |008| Fantasia                   |
|009| Recorder                   |009| Recorder                   |
|010| Saw Wave                   |010| Saw Wave                   |
+---+----------------------------+011| Slap Bass 2                |
                                 |012| Slap Bass 2                |
                                 |013| Slap Bass 2                |
                                 |014| Slow Strings               |
                                 |015| Slow Strings               |
                                 |016| E.Piano 2                  |
                                 |017| E.Piano 2                  |
                                 |018| E.Piano 2                  |
                                 |019| E.Piano 2                  |
                                 |020| E.Piano 2                  |
                                 |021| E.Piano 2                  |
                                 |022| Kalimba                    |
                                 |023| Soundtrack                 |
                                 |024| Piano 3                    |
                                 |025| Piano 3                    |
                                 |026| Piano 3                    |
                                 |027| Piano 3                    |
                                 |028| Piano 3                    |
                                 |029| Piano 3                    |
                                 |030| Piano 3                    |
                                 |031| Piano 3                    |
                                 |032| Piano 3                    |
                                 |033| Fantasia                   |
                                 |034| Fantasia                   |
                                 |035| Recorder                   |
                                 |036| Recorder                   |
                                 |037| Recorder                   |
                                 |038| Recorder                   |
                                 |039| Recorder                   |
                                 |040| Saw Wave                   |
                                 |041| Saw Wave                   |
                                 |042| Saw Wave                   |
                                 |043| Saw Wave                   |