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Title funnys birthday song
File size 182747 bytes (182747)
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MD5 Hash fcc58d27be155972a817d55b7b1c3d84
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Internal text
|###| Instrument Name        |###| Sample Name            |
|001|                      + |001| str                    |
|002| birthday song + + + +  |002| bass                   |
|003|    .for funny.   +     |003| (temple of sun)        |
|004|                      + |004| snr                    |
|005| by fff             +   |005| bd                     |
|006|                      + |006| hh                     |
|007|                      + |007| voice                  |
|008| ___sep ' 97   +[3:49 ] |008| (bbanthem)             |
+---+------------------------+009| str                    |
                             |010|                        |