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Title Where's Will?
File size 34833 bytes (34833)
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MD5 Hash 0968ef8fac0add137d4f4de83a638972
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Internal text
|###| Instrument Name        |###| Sample Name            |
|001| Where's Will?          |001| SINE-440herz           |
|002|                        |002|                        |
|003|                        |003|                        |
|004| By Joeb The Man        |004| SINE-440herz           |
|005|                        |005|  -- chip05.xi --       |
|006|                        |006|  size: 2 K             |
|007|                        |007|  loop: forward         |
|008|                        |008|  type: chippy          |
|009| This song was made for |009|                        |
|010| a little 2 man compo   |010|                        |
|011| between DJ Willi and   |011|                        |
|012| I.  Its past the       |012|                        |
|013| deadline and I think   |013|                        |
|014| that Willi isn't       |014|                        |
|015| finished yet. hehe.    |015|  (c) 1998 MAZ          |
|016|                        |016|                        |
|017| We decided to submit   |017|  Sample-CD:            |
|018| our songs to TIS and   |018|  'no.1 instruments'    |
|019| see who got the        |019|                        |
|020| highest rating.        |020|      |
|021| I think I have a bit   |021|  -- chip03.xi --       |
|022| of an advantage,       |022|  size: 0 K             |
|023| because Willi hasnt    |023|  loop: forward         |
|024| tracked in a while. -> |024|  type: chippy          |
|025| Hes been spending      |025|                        |
|026| most of his free time  |026|                        |
|027| on his Roland MC-505   |027|                        |
|028| Groovebox.             |028|                        |
|029|                        |029|                        |
|030|                        |030|                        |
|031|                        |031|  (c) 1998 MAZ          |
|032|                        |032|                        |
|033| Greetz as usual.       |033|  Sample-CD:            |
|034|                        |034|  'no.1 instruments'    |
|035|                        |035|                        |
|036| I like this song alot, |036|      |
|037| you should too.        |037|  -- base.xi --         |
|038| enjoy.                 |038|  size: 8 K             |
+---+------------------------+039|  loop: forward         |
                             |040|  type: chip bass       |
                             |041|                        |
                             |042|                        |
                             |043|                        |
                             |044|                        |
                             |045|                        |
                             |046|                        |
                             |047|  (c) 1998 MAZ          |
                             |048|                        |
                             |049|  Sample-CD:            |
                             |050|  'no.1 instruments'    |
                             |051|                        |
                             |052|      |