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Bowser's Stage Mario

Title Bowser's Stage: Mario 64
File size 196998 bytes (196998)
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MD5 Hash 58ce98b00a48afc13312a26f43550328
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A quick note on the tempo...

Compared to the song itself, the actual tempo is somewhere between
5/225 and 5/226 (A05 and then TE1 or TE2 plugged into pattern 1, row 15 in
case you want to try it out yourself). I tried taking the average but the
math didn't work out to whole numbers and I didn't feel like filling up 18
patterns worth of alternating tempo effects (TE1 TE2 TE1 TE2 TE1 TE2, you
get the idea) so I just left it at 3/125, a bit slow, but good enough for
the song...

|###| Instrument Name            |###| Sample Name                |
|001| Low Toms                   |001| Low Toms                   |
|002| Snare Drum                 |002| Snare                      |
|003| Synth Voices               |003| Synth Voices               |
|004| Slow Strings               |004| Slow Strings               |
|005| Sitar                      |005| Koto-Sitar                 |
|006| Trumpet                    |006| French Horn                |
|007| Crash Cymbal               |007| Crash Cymbal               |
|008| Orchestra Hit              |008| Orchestra Hit              |
+---+----------------------------+009|                            |
                                 |010| * Bowser's Stage Theme *   |
                                 |011| * From Mario 64 *          |
                                 |012|                            |
                                 |013| Composed by Koji Kondo     |
                                 |014| Tracked by Nintendo Guru   |
                                 |015| Revised by Dark_Elf        |
                                 |016|                            |
                                 |017| This was done by request   |
                                 |018| of RedChocobo. I hope      |
                                 |019| everybody enjoys it!       |
                                 |020| This one was a toughie at  |
                                 |021| first, but once I put      |
                                 |022| down the main rhythms of   |
                                 |023| the song, the rest just    |
                                 |024| flowed into place. :)      |
                                 |025| The hardest parts were     |
                                 |026| nailing the right notes    |
                                 |027| for the orchestra hits at  |
                                 |028| the beginning, and         |
                                 |029| getting the sitar to       |
                                 |030| sound halfway decent :)    |
                                 |031| Overall, it sounds great   |
                                 |032| and I enjoyed tracking     |
                                 |033| it!                        |
                                 |034|                            |
                                 |035| This is my third mod,      |
                                 |036| finished on June 26, 1997  |
                                 |037|                            |
                                 |038| Dark_Elf revised it some   |
                                 |039| time around July 1, 1997   |
                                 |040|                            |
                                 |041| =========================  |
                                 |042|                            |
                                 |043|  |
                                 |044|                            |
                                 |045|    |
                                 |046| /~nintendoguru/guru.htm    |
                                 |047|                            |
                                 |048| =========================  |
                                 |049|                            |
                                 |050| No ripping samples! Email  |
                                 |051| me if you want em...       |
                                 |052|                            |
                                 |053| Shift-F9 for tempo info.   |