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One fine day....xm

Title One fine day...
File size 803601 bytes (803601)
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MD5 Hash 2dcce40cc69d16f8a0121fe4f394fd26
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Internal text
|###| Instrument Name        |###| Sample Name            |
|001|       -Tracked by -    |001|                        |
|002|          *Elwood*      |002|                        |
|003|                        |003|                        |
|004| This tune is maybe     |004|                        |
|005| a bit sad, but I think |005|                        |
|006| it's also victorious.  |006|                        |
|007| Finished:              |007|                        |
|008| 15th march 1997        |008|                        |
|009| It's been a (too) long |009|                        |
|010| time since my last     |010|                        |
|011| tune, but I hope this  |011|                        |
|012| makes you a bit        |012|                        |
|013| happier in a way or    |013|                        |
|014| another :-)            |014|                        |
|015| Greetz to everybody    |015|                        |
|016| who have contacted     |016|                        |
|017| me somehow:            |017|                        |
|018| Sorry if I haven't     |018|                        |
|019| mailed you back,       |019|                        |
|020| 'cause I'm receiving   |020|                        |
|021| zillions of mails and  +---+------------------------+
|022| I simply have no time  |
|023| to answer them all.    |
|024| I'm sure you           |
|025| understand that.       |
|026| Well...                |
|027| Enjoy spring and       |
|028| have a lot of fun!!!   |
|029| Tzemi!!!               |
|030| www e-mail address:    |
|031|   |
|032| (C) Jussi Salmela 1997 |