Module music on Jazz2Online


Title Funck-2.mod
File size 169786 bytes (169786)
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MD5 Hash 237e895ed5459a8016e3fc3d74a97bf6
JJ2 Downloads 17 file(s)
Related tags battle remake, butterfly, collab, coop, episode, hotel, jazz2city, jj2, r1, single player
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Internal text
|##| Sample Name            |
|01| Funck-2.mod            |
|02| stb:snare dance        |
|03| stb:nsp                |
|04| stb:nsp 2              |
|05| stb:nsp 3              |
|06| stb:crash              |
|07| stb:hit open           |
|08| stb:nfg piano          |
|09| stb:string             |
|10| stb:hit close          |
|11| stb:drum               |
|12| stb:Clap               |
|13| stb:scratch            |
|14| stb:scratch 2          |
|15| stb:drum               |
|16| stb:snare              |
|17| pye:VOICE              |
|18| stb:jbid               |
|19| pye:drumsnare-mix(+2)  |
|20| pye:ooo...woman (zd)   |
|21| pye:rev.stb-crash      |
|22|                        |
|23| pye:mix strike-pye     |
|24|                        |
|25|                        |
|26|                        |
|27|                        |
|28|                        |
|29|                        |
|30|                        |
|31|                        |