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Title SSBMmaster
File size 510725 bytes (510725)
MD5 Hash 8ddb1ed9efa23809dff99ec4a4c19b8b
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By Dave Phaneuf

|###| Instrument Name            |###| Sample Name                |
|001| Low Tom (Standard)         |001| Standard                   |
|002| Splash Cymbal (Standard)   |002| Standard                   |
|003| Crash Cymbal 1 (Standard)  |003| Standard                   |
|004| Chinese Cymbal (Standard)  |004| Standard                   |
|005| Crash Cymbal 2 (Standard)  |005| Standard                   |
|006| Electric Snare (Standard)  |006| Standard                   |
|007| Timpani                    |007| Timpani                    |
|008| Trumpet                    |008| Trumpet                    |
|009| Brass 1                    |009| Brass 1                    |
|010| Soprano Sax                |010| Soprano Sax                |
|011| Strings                    |011| Strings                    |
|012| Contrabass                 |012| Contrabass                 |
|013| Recorder                   |013| Recorder                   |
|014| SynVox                     |014| SynVox                     |
|015| Harp                       |015| Harp                       |
|016| Syn.Strings1               |016| Syn.Strings1               |
|017| Closed Hi Hat (Standard)   |017| Standard                   |
|018| Open Hi-Hat (Standard)     |018| Standard                   |
|019| French Horns               |019| French Horns               |
|020| Seashore                   |020| Seashore                   |
+---+----------------------------+021| Trumpet                    |
                                 |022| Trumpet                    |
                                 |023| Trumpet                    |
                                 |024| Trumpet                    |
                                 |025| Trumpet                    |
                                 |026| Trumpet                    |
                                 |027| Trumpet                    |
                                 |028| Trumpet                    |
                                 |029| Trumpet                    |
                                 |030| Brass 1                    |
                                 |031| Brass 1                    |
                                 |032| Brass 1                    |
                                 |033| Soprano Sax                |
                                 |034| Soprano Sax                |
                                 |035| Soprano Sax                |
                                 |036| Soprano Sax                |
                                 |037| Soprano Sax                |
                                 |038| Soprano Sax                |
                                 |039| Strings                    |
                                 |040| Strings                    |
                                 |041| Contrabass                 |
                                 |042| Contrabass                 |
                                 |043| Contrabass                 |
                                 |044| Contrabass                 |
                                 |045| Contrabass                 |
                                 |046| Contrabass                 |
                                 |047| Contrabass                 |
                                 |048| Recorder                   |
                                 |049| Recorder                   |
                                 |050| Recorder                   |
                                 |051| Recorder                   |
                                 |052| Recorder                   |
                                 |053| SynVox                     |
                                 |054| SynVox                     |
                                 |055| Harp                       |
                                 |056| Harp                       |
                                 |057| Harp                       |
                                 |058| Syn.Strings1               |
                                 |059| Syn.Strings1               |
                                 |060| French Horns               |
                                 |061| French Horns               |