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File size 849371 bytes (849371)
Download alert.xm
MD5 Hash 50bf23324817ee6cbe43b1d7ec6d3264
JJ2 Downloads 2 file(s)
Related tags angelscript, custom anims, custom boss, custom enemies, different levels, mlle, rocket, same sprites
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Internal text
|###| Instrument Name        |###| Sample Name            |
|001| VOICE Beeper           |001| Beeper.raw             |
|002| DRUM Snare (treble)    |002| You know its very      |
|003| DRUM Afro bass         |003| Percdrum.raw           |
|004| DRUM Up & down hihat   |004| Up&down.raw            |
|005| BASS Bass              |005| Bass1.raw              |
|006| DRUM Hihat touche      |006| Hatouche.raw           |
|007| FX Air Raid Sirens     |007| Air-ra~1.wav           |
|008| GUITAR Solo guitar     |008| Guitar.raw             |
|009| GUITAR Metal guitar    |009| Metgit2.raw            |
|010| DRUM Hihat             |010| Hihat.raw              |
|011| GUITAR Solo guitar     |011| Elecgit1.raw           |
|012| DRUM Afro drum         |012| Perc.raw               |
|013| DRUM Claps             |013| Claps2!.raw            |