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Title The Space Overture 1
File size 1549267 bytes (1549267)
Download aws_spac.xm
MD5 Hash 3709bea4275a97b6bf865146183a3216
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Internal text
|###| Instrument Name        |###| Sample Name            |
|001| " The Starship Wreck   |001| FTP:                   |
|002| in the Malabo Island " |002|                        |
|003|               by       |003| T25_03.wav             |
|004|          AWESOME       |004| T83_01v1.wav           |
|005|                        |005|                        |
|006|      First Release for |006| alien                  |
|007|       Profound Sound   |007| !2.wav                 |
|008| (C)1998 Victor Vergara |008|                        |
|009| "A starship's orbiting |009|                        |
|010| the Earth...Suddenly,  |010|                        |
|011| they loose the control |011|                        |
|012| and the ship begins    |012|                        |
|013| to fall...Fortunately  |013|                        |
|014| they crash land safely |014|                        |
|015| in a Lost Island of    |015|                        |
|016| the Pacific Ocean..."  |016|                        |
|017| ---------------------- |017|                        |
|018| I know this may sound  |018|                        |
|019| stupid, but I wanted   |019|                        |
|020| to create some kind of |020|                        |
|021| soundtrack for a       |021|                        |
|022| possible scene in a    |022|                        |
|023|   |023| Sampled by:            |
|024| maybe the scene is     |024| Khyron / Kosmic        |
|025| a bit...rare, but I    |025| le3                    |
|026| thought it could be    |026| High Roll              |
|027| funny...           :-P |027|                        |
|028| Well...You just try to |028|                        |
|029| imagine the scene...   |029|                        |
|030| if you think the music |030|                        |
|031| wouldn't fit it, then  |031| Td5-p06.wav            |
|032| I have failed...       |032|                        |
|033| ====================== |033|                        |
|034|      Patterns 00-02:   |034|                        |
|035|        " The Orbit "   |035|                        |
|036|      Patterns 03-04:   |036|                        |
|037|     " Out of control " |037| x3.resine              |
|038|       Pattern 05-07:   |038| tom4.smp               |
|039| " Through the clouds " |039|                        |
|040|       Patterns 08-14:  |040|                        |
|041|  "Reaching the Island" |041| M03.amf                |
|042|         Pattern 15:    |042| FX Space               |
|043|     " The Landing "    |043| (c) Sascha Dages       |
|044|    Patterns 16-19:     |044|                        |
|045|     " No Survivors "   |045| " Okey..."             |
|046|     Patterns 1A-1F:    |046| " All I give is that.. |
|047| "False Alarm. There    |047| I would like to give." |
|048|   are survivors!!! "=) |048|                        |
|049|                        |049| hehehe...well, that's  |
|050|      Email Address :   |050| what it seems.. =)     |
|051|                        |051| " That's ...a...       |
|052| |052| thin vibrations        |
|053|                        |053| contain you from       |
|054|                        |054| the warrior..."        |
|055|                        |055| "Right...Coming at     |
|056|                        |056| Nine minute..."        |
|057|      Victor Vergara    |057| "Roger That,           |
|058|          Awesome       |058| looks grave..."        |
|059|                        |059|                        |
|060|               of       |060| Metal.amf              |
|061|                        |061| by mnemonic            |
|062|  Exelweiss, Wild Bits, |062| 94_jet3.wav            |
|063|  Inside, Pandemia and  |063| Td5-p10.wavv           |
|064|     Profound Sound.    |064| Voz1.wav               |
|065|                        |065| Voz3.wav               |
|066|                        |066|                        |
|067|                        |067|                        |
|068|                        |068|                        |
|069|                        +---+------------------------+
|070|                        |
|071|                        |
|072|                        |
|073| Greetings fly to my    |
|074| friends of Wild Bits,  |
|075| Exelweiss, Inside,     |
|076| Pandemia and PFS,      |
|077| and also to all my     |
|078| email friends...       |
|079| NOTE! I've lost all of |
|080| my emails and my       |
|081| email address book, so |
|082| if you were expecting  |
|083| for an answer from me  |
|084| and you didn't receive |
|085| it, probably I lost    |
|086| your message.          |
|087|                        |
|088|                Awesome |
|089|                        |
|090| Remember Murphy's      |
|091| words: Did you make a  |
|092| backup copy? no?       |
|093| then, the files will   |
|094| be corrupted for sure. |