Module music on Jazz2Online


Title " Breath of Fire "
File size 1000000 bytes (1000000)
Download AWS_FIRE.XM
MD5 Hash 3cbb1f91279da7f0cb6dfc3a2f135939
JJ2 Downloads 4 file(s)
Related tags collab, ctf, duel, egypt, episode, heaven, mappolol, mappool, nature, technology
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Internal text
|###| Instrument Name        |###| Sample Name            |
|001|        By Awesome      |001| Inside Members :       |
|002|                of      |002| Awesome / Evelred      |
|003|     Wild Bits / Inside |003| Naif  /  Noisyman      |
|004| and Exelweiss Entmnt.  |004| Sergio DJ / Smash!     |
|005|                        |005| Wally / Wonder         |
|006| @ 1998 Victor Vergara. |006| Wild Bits Members :    |
|007|   All rights Reserved  |007| Awesome                |
|008| ---------------------- |008| Madtronik              |
|009| Thanks to Estrayk and  |009| Naiad                  |
|010| Evelred / Capsule      |010| Impression             |
|011| for some samples and   |011| Corsario               |
|012| ideas for the rythm.   |012| Wing Extrem            |
|013| Thanks to Joice and    |013| SEX                    |
|014| Karsten Koch for some  |014| Exelweiss Members :    |
|015| samples. More credits  |015| Awesome                |
|016| in every sample info.  |016| Madtronik              |
|017| ---------------------- |017| Kabila                 |
|018| I hope you enjoy this  |018| Karlesman              |
|019| song 'cos it has       |019| Ximo                   |
|020| needed some hard       |020| R. Mencia.             |
|021| work. More or less     |021| bass by joice          |
|022| ten  hours of intense  |022| as samples #1,#2       |
|023| tracking!!!            |023| and #3                 |
|024| I really love it !! =) |024| sample by joice        |
|025| Let's go now to my     |025| From sample CDs        |
|026| usual words...         |026| From Sample Cds        |
|027|                        |027| From Karsten Koch      |
|028|    Get more Awesome    |028|                        |
|029|  stuff at Blastersound |029| Yes...Ripped..Sorry.   |
|030|  + 34 - 58 - 293 - 583 |030|             =)         |
|031|    Awesome World HQ.   |031| estrayk & evelred!     |
|032|                        |032| estrayk & evelred!     |
|033| Awesome Proffessional  |033| From Sergio Dj.        |
|034|     -= Art Studio =-   |034| From the Module        |
|035| Music, Grafics and SFX |035| "Phased Chords"        |
|036|  for games and demos   |036| by Evelred and         |
|037|  "" |037| Estrayk.               |
|038|      (96) 359 67 44    |038| Awesome hihat          |
|039|      Victor Vergara    |039| From Evelred and       |
|040|   C/ Montemayor 1, 5   |040| Estrayk Module.        |
|041|   Xirivella (Valencia) |041| Evelred and Estrayk    |
|042|        46950 Spain     |042| From Lizardking        |
|043|                        |043| browl.1                |
|044| More Awesome modules   |044| by Karsten Koch        |
|045| may be found at :      |045| I think from...        |
|046|         |046| Astaris?               |
|047| /metronome/composers   |047| browl.2                |
|048| or also at Wild Bits   |048| by K.Koch              |
|049| Main Homepage :        |049| browl.3                |
|050|     |050| by K.Koch              |
|051| /SiliconValley/Vista/  |051| browl.4                |
|052| /6305                  |052| by K.Koch              |
|053|                        |053| browl.5                |
|054| Inside Homepage isn't  |054| by K.Koch              |
|055| available yet, so,     |055| browl.6                |
|056| you'll have to wait.   |056| by K.Koch              |
|057| ---------------------- |057| browl.8                |
|058| No Greetings???        |058| by K.Koch              |
|059|                        |059| NoName                 |
|060| Yes!!!! Here are all   |060| from Falcon's          |
|061| of them :              |061| Stories from the       |
|062| Special Regards to     |062| Dawn of Imagination    |
|063| Naiad and Impression   |063| by Falcon              |
|064| and all the Wild Bits  |064| Sample Cds             |
|065| Skaven / Future Crew   |065| Sample Cds             |
|066| Sergio Dj, Rlogic,     |066| Crshcym2.wav           |
|067| MrMx of Nova.          |067| from Sample CDs        |
|068| Gergely Patai (Cobb)   |068| Made by Impression     |
|069| Noisyman, Mikel of     |069| From Impression        |
|070| Iguana                 |070|    The Best Piano      |
|071| Crom, Xchip, Mitra of  |071| ever by the great :    |
|072| Spanish Lords.         |072| Noisyman / Iguana      |
|073| All my partners of the |073| Cool Keyboards,        |
|074| United Trackers group. |074| David!!!               |
|075| Mmiguel/The Passengers |075|                        |
|076| Joice, FJFC, Dr.Mad,   |076| From Impression        |
|077| DjKike / TheBanner     |077| Sample by              |
|078| Trilogic, Maverick,    |078| Sergio DJ.             |
|079| Everyone of Vulcanus,  |079| 58-hi.wav              |
|080| Turbobit, Stratos.     |080| by evelred & estrayk!  |
|081| Naif / Electra /Inside |081| again!!                |
|082| JCL / Unknown          |082| Zap by Sergio Dj       |
|083| Dragon / Spanish Lords |083| Awesome breath!!       |
|084| Smash! Wonder and      |084|                        |
|085| Slaanesh, wherever     |085| Sounds cool, no?       |
|086| you are!!!             |086| by Sergio DJ           |
|087| And all the rest of    |087|                        |
|088| friends I forgot this  |088| Module by Awesome      |
|089| time but I'll remember |089|                        |
|090| later.                 |090| Sample by K.Koch       |
|091|                        |091| Sample by K.Koch       |
|092| To Aurora, my best     |092| Sample by K.Koch       |
|093| wishes, as ever.       |093| Sample by K.Koch       |
|094|                        |094| Sample by K.Koch       |
|095| Release Date : 21-2-98 |095| Sample by K.Koch       |
|096|                        |096| Sample by K.Koch       |
|097|       - Disclaimer -   +---+------------------------+
|098|   All Rights Reserved. |
|099|  You aren't allowed to |
|100|   modify this or other |
|101|   of my compositions   |
|102| without my permission. |
|103|    (C) Copyright 1998  |
|104|       Victor Vergara   |
|105| ---------------------- |
|106| Signed : Awesome       |
|107|         Member of      |
|108|    WB / ISD / XLWS     |
|109| and United Trackers    |
|110| ------Note : -------   |
|111| The final patterns are |
|112| just a joke. Forget    |
|113| them if you want. =)   |
|114| ---------------------- |
|115|    " Breath of Fire "  |
|116|       by Awesome       |
|117|   32 channels Stereo   |
|118| Running Time : 4' 27 " |
|119|       Size : 940 Kb    |
|120| ---------------------- |
|121|                        |
|122| Note : Listen to this  |
|123| with Fast Tracker 2.   |
|124| Cubic doesn't handle   |
|125| volumes correctly.     |
|126| If not, use Surround   |
|127| option.                |