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Title Rat in a Cage
File size 932486 bytes (932486)
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MD5 Hash 7ecf26ac9a2f483aa07213de7d70cc7a
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Internal text
|###| Sample Name                  |
|001|    "Rat in a Cage"           |
|002|    By Zack Ohren             |
|003| of NEBULA and SoundGash      |
|004|                              |
|005| This is a song written       |
|006| by me for my new band:       |
|007| ZACK(ME)-Guitar/Vocals       |
|008| SEPH-Bass Guitar             |
|009| JOSH-Drums                   |
|010|                              |
|011| We sound sorta like a        |
|012| mixture of Hendrix, Tool,    |
|013| and Slayer.                  |
|014|                              |
|015| This song is Copyright(C)    |
|016| Zack Ohren 1997. Do not      |
|017| use any of the Bass or       |
|018| Guitar samples, or the       |
|019| song itself without my       |
|020| permission except for        |
|021| your own personal            |
|022| enjoyment. Thank You.        |
|023|                              |
|024| *****Feb. 15, 1997*****      |
|025|                              |
|026| Greets to:                   |
|027| NEBULA                       |
|028| SoundGash                    |
|029| NiC                          |
|030| FrizzleFry                   |
|031| Ryan                         |
|032| And all my friends out       |
|033| there on da mailing list.    |
|034|                              |
|035| Check out my music at:       |
|036|    |
|037| com/music/alternative.htm    |
|038|                              |
|039|                              |
|040| BTW: For those wondering,    |
|041| this song does have a        |
|042| melody and lyrics. It's      |
|043| about the evil administra    |
|044| tions I have faced in my     |
|045| life.                        |
|046|                              |
|047| P.S. Get M.I.R.V.'s new      |
|048| album "Feeding Time on       |
|049| Monkey Island"               |
|050|   €€ €€€€€ €6 $A %F '6      |
|051| Dry Tom                      |