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Title The Road is Open
File size 1213830 bytes (1213830)
Download df_road.xm
MD5 Hash 67067bc390cd29088782d9251365cc07
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Internal text
|###| Instrument Name        |###| Sample Name            |
|001| TRACKED by:            |001|                        |
|002|                        |002|                        |
|003|    DFAST               |003|                        |
|004|                        |004|                        |
|005| style:                 |005|                        |
|006| dance/pop/demostyle/   |006|                        |
|007| psychedelic            |007|                        |
|008|                        |008|                        |
|009| life without music is  |009|                        |
|010| life without meaning   |010|                        |
|011|                        |011|                        |
|012|                        |012|                        |
|013|                        |013|                        |
|014|       |014|                        |
|015|                        |015|                        |
|016| http://artists.        |016|                        |
|017|  |017|                        |
|018|                        |018|                        |
|019| Hi People! Finally I   |019|                        |
|020| manage to release this |020|                        |
|021| psychedelic piece!     |021|                        |
|022| Hopely you'll find it  |022|                        |
|023| interesting and cool.  |023|                        |
|024| I do...                |024|                        |
|025|                        |025|                        |
|026| reminds about ghost-   |026|                        |
|027| busters and batman     +---+------------------------+
|028| and some old stuff...  |
|029|                        |
|030|                        |
|031| greetz___              |
|032|    infraRUDE, a98,     |
|033| bs.timo, AeroSoul,     |
|034| Jess and all musicians |
|035| out there!             |
|036|                        |
|037| first try on psyche-   |
|038| delic, eh?             |