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Title Tropical Beach
File size 276538 bytes (276538)
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MD5 Hash 824b9744845d7592a653c5e8700f2d88
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Internal text
|###| Sample Name                  |
|001| Composed for those great     |
|002|     holidays not to          |
|003|        mention :             |
|004|  Chromatics Two Music Disk   |
|005|   if Trixter decides to use  |
|006|      it. ;@)                 |
|007| by ThunderBolt of PowerSrce  |
|008| I'd like to thank Blade      |
|009| Runner for the guitar        |
|010| samples he sent me.          |
|011|                              |
|012| I know how anxious you are   |
|013| to get out of the house so   |
|014| Make any summer a great one  |
|015| if you can.                  |
|016| Wave Samples by me...        |
|017| Made in about a week.        |
|018| least time to compose so     |
|019| Big thanks to the sources    |
|020| of many of these samples!    |
|021| purely coincidental... :)    |