Module music on Jazz2Online


Title Medieval Time (Nuovo mix)
File size 568140 bytes (568140)
Download IC-IF010.j2b
MD5 Hash a9589b84e6663e26b3e4da3b769f3cea
JJ2 Downloads 1 file(s)
Related tags collab, ic, impressive creations, jj1 vs jj2, remake, tilesetpack, unfinished
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Internal text
|##| Sample Name                      |
|01| Luigi Elettrico                  |
|02| ***                              |
|03| Medieval Time (Nuovo mix)        |
|04| ***                              |
|05| Impressive Creations             |
|06| ***                              |
|07| Orig. music by                   |
|08| Robert A. Allen                  |
|09| Medivo Planet                    |
|10| Jazz Jackrabbit 1                |
|11| ***                              |
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|28| ***                              |
|29| made in                          |
|30| MPTrack                          |