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Title Down the Elevator Shaft
File size 539797 bytes (539797)
MD5 Hash 1659bb0c5e636d9d074a27dec65e62f9
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Internal text
|\                                        /|
|/ 0000   00000  00000         00000      \|
|\ 0   0    0    0             0          /|
|/ 0   0    0    0000          00000      \|
|\ 0   0    0    0                 0      /|
|/ 0000 OWN 0 HE 00000 LEVATOR 00000 HAFT \|
|\                                        /|


Tracked By Pipperreck J. Malt

Composed By: Pip Malt


*----Kick and clap from Zanoma
*----Sawtooth was generated by Audacity.
*----Piano and strings from the MIDI library.
*----Drum stix from Tito.
*----The rest from anywhere and everywhere.


Industrial/electronica seems to be a popular style
in tracker-world, so I decided to track a song
in roughly that style.  This has some neat parts,
as well as some questionable parts, but who cares?

The overall feeling of this song is 1 cup of cynicism,
3 cups of anxiety, and a pinch of doom.

Enjoy! =)


|###| Instrument Name            |###| Sample Name                |
|001| Kick                       |001| "Down the Elevator Shaft"  |
|002| Snare                      |002| by Pip Malt                |
|003| Snare 2                    |003|                            |
|004| Drum Stix                  |004| See comments               |
|005| Shaker                     |005| for more info.             |
|006| Piano                      |006|                            |
|007| Closed Hihat               |007|                            |
|008| Tom                        |008|                            |
|009| New Age Thingy             |009|                            |
|010| Strings                    |010|                            |
|011| Reverse Cymbal             |011|                            |
|012| Clap                       |012|                            |
|013| Open Hihat                 |013|                            |
|014| Sawtooth                   |014|                            |
|015| Crash Cymbal               |015|                            |
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