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Spekkio's Theme.XM

Title Spekkio's Theme
File size 104410 bytes (104410)
Download Spekkio's Theme.XM
MD5 Hash e1b85ac5b9b1a79fe868f53919a0b5eb
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Internal text
|###| Instrument Name        |###| Sample Name            |
|001| Tambourine             |001| Tambourine             |
|002| Shaker                 |002| Shaker                 |
|003| Wood Percussion        |003| Wood Percussion        |
|004| Bongo Drums            |004| Bongo Drums            |
|005| Flute                  |005| Flute                  |
|006| Acoustic Bass          |006| Accoustic Bass         |
|007| Tone                   |007| Tone                   |
|008| Vibraphone             |008| Vibraphone             |
|009| Booouup                |009|                        |
|010| Bongo Drum #2          |010|                        |
|011| ---------------------- +---+------------------------+
|012| Spekkio's Theme        |
|013| from Chrono Trigger    |
|014|                        |
|015| Sequenced by           |
|016| Jim Gilsinan IV        |
|017| Email: Jim_Gilsinan    |
|018|     |
|019|                        |
|020| IRC:  ZhangFei         |
|021|    |
|022|      /~s1013674/       |
|023|                        |
|024| Thanks to various      |
|025| people/sites for the   |
|026| samples.  :)           |
|027|                        |
|028| Complete 199611101908Z |