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Title --Warzone 3.0--
File size 494834 bytes (494834)
MD5 Hash fd203aabd6bb4fd36126468cdee7efa9
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Cross Country Productions

Released: December 17th, 2010

|###| Instrument Name            |###| Sample Name                |
|001| --+--+--+--+--             |001| My third yet incarnation   |
|002| NuKelEaR REmIX             |002| of this dumb old song...   |
|003|                            |003| Hope you like it better    |
|004| "Warzone 3.0"              |004| than the last two versions |
|005|                            |005| I put out.                 |
|006| Orig. Song by              |006|                            |
|007| PT32                       |007| Heyya to God, 'cause He    |
|008|                            |008| totally epically ROCKS!    |
|009| Remix by                   |009|                            |
|010| PT32                       |010|                            |
|011|                            |011|                            |
|012| 2010                       |012|                            |
|013| All Rights Reserved.       |013|                            |
|014|                            |014|                            |
|015|                            |015| Guess I'd better use some  |
|016| <><                        |016|                            |
|017|                            |017| Global warming's overrated |
|018|                            |018|                            |
|019|                            |019| You know it's true.        |
|020| Song #74                   |020|                            |
|021| --+--+--+--+--             |021|                            |