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Title Almagest
File size 785209 bytes (785209)
MD5 Hash cfefcc8dbef563d860432828b7aac015
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Related tags angelscript, bash, blood, ctf, dark, duel, forest, hills, industrial, jjnets8, lh, mappool, metal, pack, pits, pokljuka, xlm, zeal alpha
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Internal text
|                                                              |
|                  By Stefan Xenos AKA Cyclone                 |
|                Copyright (C) 1998 Stefan Xenos               |
|                     All rights reserved                      |
|                                                              |
|   Check out my homepage at   |
|                                                              |

         Song info:
         Play length:      4:40
         Composition time: 50 hours (approx.)
         Completion date:  Jun 29, 1998
         Start date:       Dec, 1997
         Release date:     Aug 19, 1998
         Song version:     3.00


 Music:   Stefan Xenos
 Advice:  M.P. Productions      _________
          Andreas Xenos
                                I've spent more time on this
                                tune than on any previous one,
                                so I really hope you like it.
                                I just love those gradual

     You can also find more of my tunes on
     the Hornet archive and Trax in Space

     If you like my music, please recommend
     it to your friends and write me.


                I often get asked to write music for
                games and demos. Keep in mind that
                I only work for free if the project
                is non-profit.

                I currently only release about 4 or 5
                tunes per year. Writing more music than
                this would require taking time off work,
                so please don't ask me for a large number
                of tunes unless you are willing to pay
                for them.


A fraction of time,
Silence in the moonlight,
Two golden memories,
An instant then gone.

I sit on a hillside, 
watching stalks of grass glow in the dim blue light.

A liquid flows over the unreal surface, 
pressing my thoughts back along the path I've travelled.

I yield and float backward, 
forgetting that I've always been here.

-   -   -

A blink or a flash,
An image frozen on the retina,
The detail is suddenly clear,
Ironic, now that it's too late.

Watch how the field changes subtly as the wind blows.

Watch how the old oak cracks the horizon with its black
silhouette. I'd rather forget.

Don't try to stop the scene from changing.
It never obeys.

-   -   -

A gentle wind blows,
The liquid grass flows,
Stalks bend and sway,
The surface moves subtly and permanently,
And the memory is lost forever.

Copyright (c) 1998 Stefan Xenos

|###| Instrument Name            |###| Sample Name                |
|001| By Stefan Xenos            |001| By Stefan Xenos            |
|002|                            |002|                            |
|003|                            |003|                            |
|004| Drum.Tom                   |004| Drum.Tom                   |
|005| Drum.Bass.Sharp            |005| Drum.Bass.Sharp            |
|006| Drum.Snare.Light           |006| Drum.Snare.Light           |
|007| Drum.Snare.Reverb          |007| Drum.Snare.Reverb          |
|008| Drum.Kettle                |008| Drum.Kettle                |
|009| Perc.Hihat.Closed          |009| Perc.Hihat.Closed          |
|010| Perc.Hihat.Tap.1           |010| Perc.Hihat.Tap.1           |
|011| Perc.Hihat.Tap.2           |011| Perc.Hihat.Tap.2           |
|012| Perc.Crash                 |012| Perc.Shaker                |
|013| Perc.Shaker                |013| Perc.Crash                 |
|014| Effect.Snap                |014| Effect.Snap                |
|015| Effect.Clap                |015| Effect.Clap                |
|016| Bass.Finger                |016|                            |
|017| Bass.Funk                  |017| Bass.Finger                |
|018| Bass.Synth.Sweep           |018| Bass.Funk                  |
|019| Bass.Starburst             |019| Bass.Synth.Sweep           |
|020| Synth.Choir.1, Left        |020| Bass.Starburst             |
|021| Synth.Symonix              |021| Synth.Choir.1              |
|022| Synth.Light, Left          |022| Synth.Symonix              |
|023| Synth.Light, Right         |023| Synth.Light                |
|024| Synth.Choir.2              |024| Strings                    |
|025| Guitar.1                   |025| Synth.Choir.2              |
|026| Guitar.2                   |026| Guitar.1                   |
|027| Guitar.3                   |027| Guitar.2                   |
|028| Guitar.4                   |028| Guitar.3                   |
|029| Strings, Left              |029| Guitar.4                   |
|030| Strings, Right             |030| Guitar.5                   |
|031| Guitar2, Plain             |031| Guitar.6                   |
|032| Guitar4, Quick             |032|                            |
|033| Synth.Choir.1, Right       |033| Hit shift-F9 in Impulse    |
|034|                            |034| Tracker for more info.     |
|035| Hit Shift-F9 in Impulse    |035|                            |
|036| Tracker for song info      |036|                            |
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