Module music on Jazz2Online


Title Episode
File size 359198 bytes (359198)
Download KILL.MOD
MD5 Hash 468f3c5bdadd88140528ee9829809ca7
JJ2 Downloads 10 file(s)
Related tags bash, domination, jazz2city, mystic legends, space
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Internal text
|##| Sample Name            |
|01| 1 Drumbeat             |
|02| 2 Drumbeat             |
|03| Moog Bass              |
|04| Power clap             |
|05| gothic                 |
|06| Gong 2                 |
|07| Gong 1                 |
|08| Distortion 1           |
|09| Cool Snare             |
|10| Power Synth Bass       |
|11| Distortion 1           |
|12| Scratch Echo           |
|13| Super SynStrings       |
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