Module music on Jazz2Online


Title Electrical Spire
File size 427301 bytes (427301)
Download JDC_R1Elec.S3M
MD5 Hash 4c3b7e442e8b22dadabf16c9d55c9ceb
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Related tags conversion, famicom, megaman, nes, rockman, tileset
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Internal text
|###| Sample Name                  |
|001| C3GOBLNS.WAV                 |
|002| HARPSICH.WAV                 |
|003| WONDYEAR.WAV                 |
|004| C3SAW-LD.WAV                 |
|005| A86-1.WAV                    |
|006| JJ2: Bdrum3                  |
|007| HIHATCL.WAV                  |
|008| HIHATOP.WAV                  |
|009| SNARE2.WAV                   |
|010| SNARE1.WAV                   |
|011| -------------------------    |
|012| Rockman:                     |
|013|  Electrical Spire            |
|014|                              |
|015| Originally by:               |
|016|  Chanchacorin Manami         |
|017|  Yuukichan's Papa            |
|018|                              |
|019| This Module by:              |
|020|  Joseph Tek Fox              |
|021|         |
|022| -------------------------    |
|023| The Fox Speaks:              |
|024|  Hm... Electrifying          |
|025|  enough? I can't tell        |
|026|  sometimes if my music       |
|027|  is good enough or not...    |
|028| -------------------------    |
|029| v1.0:  June 30, 2001         |
|030| v2.0:  January 23, 2002      |
|031| v2.1:  June 07, 2003         |