Module music on Jazz2Online

Title Morning
File size 376153 bytes (376153)
MD5 Hash aaa2a44c37f138d729dd5f2500d9d34c
JJ2 Downloads 1 file(s)
Related tags christmas, domination
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                       This Music by DAEMON in 2008.12.2.

                           THANKS FOR DOWNLOADING :D

                              !!!JJ2 FOREVER!!!

|###| Instrument Name            |###| Sample Name                |
|001| This                       |001| JJ2                        |
|002| Music                      |002| Syn.Strings1               |
|003| By                         |003| Taiko                      |
|004| DAEMON                     |004| Standard                   |
|005|                            |005| Standard                   |
|006| in                         |006| Shakuhachi                 |
|007| 2008.12.2.                 |007| Recorder                   |
|008| Thanks for downloading :D  |008| Polysynth                  |
+---+----------------------------+009| Piano 1                    |
                                 |010| Piano 1                    |
                                 |011| Piano 1                    |
                                 |012| Piano 1                    |
                                 |013| Piano 1                    |
                                 |014| Piano 1                    |
                                 |015| Piano 1                    |
                                 |016| Piano 1                    |
                                 |017| Piano 1                    |
                                 |018| Syn.Strings1               |
                                 |019| Syn.Strings1               |
                                 |020| Shakuhachi                 |
                                 |021| Shakuhachi                 |
                                 |022| Shakuhachi                 |
                                 |023| Shakuhachi                 |
                                 |024| Recorder                   |
                                 |025| Recorder                   |
                                 |026| Recorder                   |
                                 |027| Recorder                   |
                                 |028| Recorder                   |
                                 |029| Polysynth                  |
                                 |030| Polysynth                  |
                                 |031| Polysynth                  |
                                 |032| Polysynth                  |