Module music on Jazz2Online


Title Mega@Byte
File size 558488 bytes (558488)
Download blasa_megabyte.s3m
MD5 Hash 8a7d2874a7f7b182ef07fdacbb306ed6
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Internal text
|###| Sample Name                  |
|001|   Matrix Productions (c)     |
|002|        presents...           |
|003|                              |
|004|       >Mega@Byte<            |
|005|           by                 |
|006|       >The Saint<            |
|007|           of                 |
|008|   >SuNoFtHeBeAcHsTuDiO<      |
|009|                              |
|010|          ....                |
|011|                              |
|012|  Date: Start => 30/07/98     |
|013|          End => 01/08/98     |
|014|        PoRtUgAl              |
|015|  Duration: 00h:08m:17s       |
|016|                              |
|017|          ....                |
|018|                              |
|019|  Well, in this mod some      |
|020| parts were based in          |
|021| another mod by someone       |
|022| i don't know, no name or     |
|023| something to work with.      |
|024| But i give you the           |
|025| credits anyway.              |
|026|  Twelve channels...WOW!!!    |
|027| Hard stuff...                |
|028|    i got tired...            |
|029|         better go...         |
|030|                              |
|031| See you next time... [MR]    |