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Title " Hard to believe "
File size 865592 bytes (865592)
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MD5 Hash b7d50ced31b11afae6a152087de8c5f9
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Internal text
|###| Instrument Name        |###| Sample Name            |
|001|    " Hard to believe " |001|  ^^     ^   ^     ^^^  |
|002|                        |002| ^  ^    ^   ^    ^     |
|003| Composed (in 6 hours!) |003| ^^^^ ^  ^ ^ ^ ^   ^^^  |
|004|               by       |004| ^  ^    ^ ^ ^        ^ |
|005|       -  Awesome -     |005| ^  ^     ^ ^      ^^^  |
|006|      of the Wild Bits  |006| Hihat 1                |
|007|                        |007| Open_hi.raw            |
|008| (C)1997 Victor Vergara |008| Bass by Noisyman       |
|009| ---------------------- |009| Dap Bass               |
|010| Wowowowow ! ! ! ! ! !  |010| by NoisyMan            |
|011| I'm really getting     |011| Snare.                 |
|012| crazy with this song!! |012| by Noisyman.           |
|013| I hope you like it,    |013| Ovrbreak.raw           |
|014| 'cos it's not my       |014| by Noisyman.           |
|015| typical kind of song.  |015| Extracted by           |
|016| I love it, in fact!!!! |016| Awesome.               |
|017| I think this is the    |017| Hihat                  |
|018| 1st time I've composed |018| Bass 1                 |
|019| a song that has made   |019| Bass 2                 |
|020| me feel this way.      |020| Bass 3                 |
|021| Hope you feel the same |021| Bass 4                 |
|022|                        |022| swepper                |
|023|               Awesome. |023| Steam Pad              |
|024| --------------------   |024| Fast Piano             |
|025| Important : Try to     |025| Plane                  |
|026| listen to this in FT2  |026| Clean crescendo        |
|027| or in CP without       |027| Liam the Lemming       |
|028| Surround.              |028| Blast Echo Crash       |
|029| ---------------------- |029| (Scirocco)             |
|030| You can get other      |030| Dream Bell.            |
|031| Awesome productions    |031| By Elwood              |
|032| at Blastersound BBS!   |032| Mega/synth             |
|033| + 34 - 58 - 293 - 583  |033|                        |
|034|                        |034| by Awesome             |
|035| But if what you want   |035| bass 6                 |
|036| is to get in touch     |036| Wind.                  |
|037|    with me for         |037| by Awesome.            |
|038| proffessional game     |038| rare 1                 |
|039| music, sounds or gfx,  |039| by Elwood.             |
|040| (Yes, also graphics)   |040| rare 2                 |
|041| or just to be one of   |041| by Elwood.             |
|042| my friends, write to : |042| rare 3                 |
|043|    |043| by Elwood.             |
|044|                        |044| rare 4                 |
|045| also to :              |045| by Elwood.             |
|046| C/ Montemayor 1,5      |046| rare 5                 |
|047| Xirivella (Valencia)   |047| by Elwood.             |
|048| 46950 Spain            |048|                        |
|049| (96) 359 67 44         |049| =====================  |
|050| Victor Vergara.        |050|                        |
|051| ---------------------- +---+------------------------+
|052| All rights reserved.   |
|053| No modifications       |
|054| allowed.               |
|055| This is copyrighted by |
|056| the author.            |
|057| ---------------------- |
|058| Usual greetings to my  |
|059| usual friends... Let's |
|060| try to remember them   |
|061| all...                 |
|062|                        |
|063| My friends of the      |
|064| Wild Bits, specially   |
|065| those who are far :    |
|066| NaIaD, Impression and  |
|067| ASMatic.               |
|068| Sergio DJ, MrMX and    |
|069| R&L / Nova Productions |
|070| Noisyman, Mikel/Iguana |
|071| Skaven, Purple Motion  |
|072| of Future Crew.        |
|073| Dragon, Crom and       |
|074| Mitra / Spanish Lords  |
|075| Wally, Evelred and the |
|076| rest of the TLOTB      |
|077| Oscar Portela Arjona   |
|078| (Many thanks for your  |
|079| post-card!!!   =)  )   |
|080| Lizardking of Triton.  |
|081| Everyone of Exelweiss  |
|082| Smash! and Wonder/Quad |
|083| Slaanesh/Crystal Shade |
|084| Also to "Pacorro"      |
|085| and to JCL / Unknown   |
|086| Everyone at Vulcanus.  |
|087| A greet to Wing Extrem |
|088| brother.  :)           |
|089| Everyone of COM2,      |
|090| specially to Venom.    |
|091| To you.                |
|092| To all the people I've |
|093| met by IRC.            |
|094| All my letter friends. |
|095| Everyone I forgot in   |
|096| this moment.           |
|097|                        |
|098| A really huge kiss to  |
|099| my princess :          |
|100|                Aurora. |
|101|                        |
|102| ---------------------- |
|103| Release Date : 1-9-97  |
|104|                        |
|105|                Awesome |
|106|                        |
|107|  The prince of the FT. |
|108|      hehehehehe.... =) |
|109|                        |
|110|           See ya soon. |
|111|                        |
|112|                        |
|113|                        |
|114|                        |
|115|                        |
|116|                        |
|117|                        |
|118|                        |
|119|                        |
|120|                        |
|121|                        |
|122|                        |
|123|                        |
|124| Do you wanna see a man |
|125| dancing in yer screen? |
|126| Get Awesome's Music    |
|127| DISK!!! Called DAWN!!  |
|128| It's amazing !!!!      |