Module music on Jazz2Online


Title Pharaoh's Believe
File size 1112762 bytes (1112762)
Download pharaoh.xm
MD5 Hash a4267c600251eda8199bf774418d1926
JJ2 Downloads 2 file(s)
Related tags action-adventure, ancient empires, custom boss, frog, long, mysterious, puzzle solving, single player
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Internal text
|###| Instrument Name        |###| Sample Name            |
|001| By Klown Killer        |001|                        |
|002|                        |002|                        |
|003| Samples : Awesome      |003|                        |
|004|                        |004|                        |
|005|                        |005|                        |
|006|                        |006|                        |
|007|                        |007|                        |
|008|                        |008|                        |
|009|                        |009|                        |
|010|                        |010|                        |
|011|                        |011|                        |
|012|                        |012|                        |
|013|                        |013|                        |
|014|                        |014|                        |
|015|                        |015|                        |
|016|                        |016|                        |
|017|                        |017|                        |
|018|                        |018|                        |
|019|                        |019|                        |
|020|                        |020|                        |
|021|                        |021|                        |
|022|                        |022|                        |
|023|                        +---+------------------------+
|024|                        |
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