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Title Synigen Theme -SPK
File size 1279138 bytes (1279138)
Download synthemespk.xm
MD5 Hash fa5d012dccbaf839a81ddfa03ccb8404
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Internal text
|###| Instrument Name        |###| Sample Name            |
|001|                        |001| tekky?!                |
|002|                        |002| Stringz!               |
|003|                        |003| Stringz!               |
|004|                        |004| boom baby!             |
|005|                        |005| beowwww                |
|006|                        |006| Cymbal1.smp            |
|007|                        |007| Rock1.smp              |
|008|                        |008| Techno1.smp            |
|009|                        |009| Techno1.smp            |
|010|                        |010| Techno2.smp            |
|011|                        |011| N33t.smp               |
|012|                        |012| Sw33t1.smp             |
|013|                        |013|                        |
|014|                        |014| Techno1.smp            |
|015|                        |015| -deusex.smp            |
+---+------------------------+016| Revvy.wav              |