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Title "I Like Springs"
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"I Like Springs"

Written by Aymes of Fromage

For the Outpost KO tourney #2

4th June 2004


Ok, so Im not sure about this one, my opponents a thoughie, cheese
tracker crashed on me several more times and I lost my motivation
a few hours before the deadline.
Other than that I think i quite like it :)


|###| Instrument Name            |###| Sample Name                |
|001| Bass                       |001| Bass                       |
|002| Bass                       |002| Bass                       |
|003| Bass                       |003| Bass                       |
|004| Bass Drum                  |004| Bass Drum                  |
|005| RY-10 Snare Drum           |005| RY-10 Snare Drum           |
|006| High Hat Closed            |006| High Hat Closed            |
|007| TR909 High Hat Open        |007| TR909 High Hat Open        |
|008| Jawbone                    |008| Jawbone                    |
|009| Cut Snare Drum             |009| Cut Snare Drum             |
|010| KPR-77 Cymbal              |010| KPR-77 Cymbal              |
|011| CR-8000 Clave              |011| CR-8000 Clave              |
|012| TR606 Cymbal Acc           |012| TR606 Cymbal Acc           |
|013| Odyssey FM Interferenc     |013|                            |
|014| Flute                      |014| Flute A#4                  |
|015|                            |015| Flute A#5                  |
|016| Electric Bass              |016|                            |
|017| French Horn                |017|                            |
|018| Handclap                   |018|                            |
|019| Juno106 Phantom            |019| French Horn F#4            |
|020| Rap Scratch                |020|                            |
|021| Wavestn Refinery           |021| Juno106 Phantom C3         |
|022| Rhodes Soft                |022|                            |
+---+----------------------------+023|                            |
                                 |024|                            |
                                 |025| Rhodes Soft G3             |